Bruce Springsteen to bond with Jimmy Fallon
Taylor Swift's having a 'really emotional week'

Bristol Palin explains 'Dancing With The Stars' success

By Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY

Bristol Palin says "it's crazy" how far she's come on Dancing With The Stars, as she heads into next week's semifinals.

Although The Daily Beast says her longevity is due to a "GOP plot," Bristol thinks it's because she's the biggest un-celebrity on the show.

"I think lots of people see themselves in me because I'm pretty untouched when it comes to celebrity status," Bristol told E's Megan Masters after Tuesday's results show. "I'm pretty raw and vulnerable when it comes to this whole thing. I'm just having fun and people see that."

Added Bristol: "People are definitely seeing me in a whole new light. I never thought I was going to be here, but I'm thrilled. It's crazy to me."

UPDATE: "Am I surprised that we keep making it through despite scores at or near the bottom each week?" writes Mark Ballas in his latest journal entry. "Absolutely not. This show is driven by the fans' voting, and Team Ballin has great fans." Read more from Mark here.

Bruce Springsteen to bond with Jimmy Fallon
Taylor Swift's having a 'really emotional week'
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